2.1 Licensing
As of version 0.2.9, the Ringing Class Library is split into two parts,
which are licensed differently. This is explained again in the file
COPYING in the distribution. A summary is given here, but to be
sure you should consult individual files for their licensing conditions.
- Most of the library is released under the GNU Public License
(GPL). A copy of this licence can be found in the file
COPYING.GPL in the top directory of the distribution. This
licence allows you to copy, modify and distribute the library, provided
that you stay within the stated terms. However, it does not
allow you to include the library in your own commercial programs. Any
programs which use the library must again be free. For full details,
please read the text of the licence.
- A core part of the library is under the Lesser GNU Public License
(LGPL). A copy of this licence can be found in the file
COPYING.LGPL in the top directory of the distribution. Unlike
the GPL, this licence does allow you to use this part
of the library in commercial programs. The reason for releasing the
core part of the library under the LGPL is principally to
encourage authors to use the online method database at
http://methods.ringing.org/ in their programs, whether commercial
or not. All the files you need to use that database are under the
Important: Using any part of the library in a commercial program, except for
those parts specifically stated to be under the weaker LGPL,
is against the terms of the licence. If in doubt, ask the authors.