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8.4.1 Method printing parameters

The printmethod object has many public data members, which control the format of the printed method. These public data members are described here.

— Variable: printrow::options printmethod::opt

This member contains the options which are used to print each separate row of the method. For more information on this object, see Row printing options. Note that the miss_numbers flag is overridden by the setting of the number_mode member of the printmethod object (see below).

— Variable: dimension printmethod::hgap
— Variable: dimension printmethod::vgap

These two members control the horizontal gap between columns, and the vertical gap between column sets, respectively. For more information on the dimension class, see The dimension class.

— Variable: int printmethod::total_rows

This integer sets the total number of rows which will be printed. This total does not count those rows which are duplicated because they appear at the end of a column.

— Variable: int printmethod::rows_per_column

This integer controls the number of rows printed in each column. In fact each column will contain one more than this number of rows, because the last row of each column is duplicated at the top of the next column.

— Variable: int printmethod::columns_per_set

This integer controls the number of columns which appear in each horizontal column set, that is, the number of columns across the printed output.

— Variable: int printmethod::sets_per_page

This integer controls the number of column sets which appear on each page, that is, the number of columns down the printed page. If the total number of columns printed exceeds this numbers, more than one page of output will be produced.

— Variable: dimension printmethod::xoffset
— Variable: dimension printmethod::yoffset

These two members position the output on the page. Together, they contain the position of the top left bell of the top left column of the output. measured from the bottom left hand corner of the page. For more information on the dimension class, see The dimension class.

— Variable: list<pair<int, int> > printmethod::rules

This member controls the printing of horizontal rules in the output. Each entry in the list is a pair (a, b) of integers; this entry means that a rule will be drawn after the ath row in each lead, and every b rows after that. For example, the usual setting for a treble dodging method would be the pair (4,4), indicating that rules should be drawn every four rows, starting with a rule after the fourth row. Similarly the usual setting for Stedman would be the pair (3,6).

— Variable: printmethod::number_mode_t printmethod::number_mode

This member sets the behaviour with regard to missing numbers underneath lines. There are four possible settings, described by an enumerated type:

          enum number_mode_t { miss_never, miss_always,
                                miss_column, miss_lead };

The meaning of these options is as follows:

— Variable: printmethod::pn_mode_t printmethod::pn_mode

This member controls the printing of place notation next to the method. There are three possible settings, described by an enumerated type:

          enum pn_mode_t { pn_none, pn_first, pn_all };

These options are interpreted as follows:

— Variable: int printmethod::placebells

This integer controls whether place bells are printed, and for which bell. If this member contains an integer greater than or equal to zero, then place bells are printed for the corresponding bell. To suppress the printing of place bells, set this member to -1.