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8.4 Printing whole methods

It should be reasonably clear how the printrow object might be used to print out numbers and lines for a method. This simple but tedious task is automated by the printmethod object. The printmethod object is not designed to be as flexible as the rest of the printing mechanism, but rather to accomplish its one aim, that of printing out methods, in as simple a way as possible.

The appearance of the printed method is controlled by setting the public data members of the printmethod object. When all the parameters have been set up, the function printmethod::print() is used to print the method to a given printpage object.

The output consists of a series of columns, each of which contains the same number of rows. When one column is full, a new column is started to the right of the last one. A number of columns, side by side, are called a column set. When one column set is complete, a new column set is started below the last. Whenever a new column is started, the last row of the previous column is duplicated at the top of the new column.